West Virginia student loans are available to bridge the gap between federal funding and the cost of tuition so that all West Virginia students can reasonably afford to obtain a college degree.
In considering what college you want to attend, you as a resident of West Virginia have narrowed down your options to several in state schools, finding the cost of this decision slightly less prohibitive than attendance at an out of state school, though you are still strapped for cash in trying to come up with the amount of money required for tuition. Fortunately, West Virginia student loans are available to bridge the gap between federal funding and the cost of tuition so that all West Virginia students can reasonably afford to obtain a college degree.

American Education Services, or AES, is one agency with a number of West Virginia student loans tailored to meet the needs of state residents. Partnering with EdAmerica, a student loan lender, you can find more than just federal loans through AES. EdAmerica provides a number of options for alternative West Virginia student loans. Because the state has access to tax exempt state educational bonds for funding of student loans, a lot of savings is involved in obtaining Stafford and Perkins loans through the state. For example, the AESBest Stafford Loans are low interest, zero-fee loans that are probably the least expensive West Virginia student loans available.

At the same time, knowing that these are not going to cover more than a fraction of your tuition, you can also find a number of alternative loan options. Through EdAmerica, you may be eligible to receive assistance through a number of alternative loan programs set aside for West Virginia students. These will all be very competitive compared to most private and personal loans you may be able to get through another lending institution. The EdAmerica Xtra Credit Alternative Loan has no lending fees attached and much lower interest rates than other similar loans.

Through this program with approved credit or a co-borrower who has good credit and a low debt-to-income ratio, you can receive up to the remaining sum of your tuition fees annually (after federal funding and scholarships are applied). Repayment, as with most alternative loans, includes paying on interest only while you are in school, with repayment in earnest of interest and principal due upon the end of a six-month grace period beyond your graduation.

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