State of Connecticut offers two programs to help you with education costs in return for teaching in a Connecticut public school
If you are a college student interested in teaching and a
member of a minority group, the State of Connecticut offers
two programs to help you with education costs in return for
teaching in a Connecticut public school.
Both the Minority Teacher Incentive Grant Program and the
Weisman Scholarship Program provide up to $5,000 a year for
two years of full-time study to minority undergraduates enrolled
in a Connecticut teacher preparation program. Both programs
also provide eligible students with $2,500 in yearly stipends for
up to four years of teaching in a Connecticut elementary or
secondary school.
The only differences between the programs are that the
Weisman Scholarship Program is designed specifically for
students planning to teach math or science in a Connecticut
middle or high school, and is supported by funds contributed
by private philanthropists, Fred and Joan Weisman.
Go to the Head of the Class…
with a Minority Teacher Incentive Grant
or a Weisman Scholarship
The following qualifications pertain to both programs:
• You must be a full-time college junior or senior of African
American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian American or Native
American heritage.
• You must be nominated by an Education Dean (or appropriate
official) at which ever participating college you attend.
• To receive the annual stipend, you must begin teaching in a
Connecticut public school within 16 months of graduation.
To apply, submit a completed application (see reverse side or
download from For questions, please
contact one of the Education Deans listed below or Omerine
Marino of the Connecticut Department of Higher Education at
860/947-1857 or