Nebraska's Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education (CCPE)
Nebraska's Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education (CCPE) serves as an independent voice within Nebraska's higher education system. The CCPE is a state constitutional agency whose mission is to promote sound policies for Nebraska's state and community colleges and the University of Nebraska that apply to the best interests of taxpayers, students and Nebraska's postsecondary institutions.
What does the Commission do?
The Commission's responsibilities include:
Collaborating with the state’s public colleges and universities to implement a plan that will guide Nebraska’s higher education system.
Administering student financial aid programs.
Conducting research and publishing reports on higher education issues.
Reviewing and authorizing academic programs.
Reviewing and approving proposals for facilities.
Reviewing institutions’ budget proposals and making recommendations to the State Legislature.
Above all, the Commission reflects a commitment to serve the state as a whole, consistent with the role and mission assigned of each public institution and with the state’s Comprehensive Statewide Plan for Postsecondary Education. The Commission is committed to an educational environment that exemplifies equality and fairness for all people, irrespective of considerations such as race, culture, gender, age or disability.
The CCPE was created in 1990 by the Nebraska Legislature and is governed by 11 Commissioners who recommend policies to Nebraska's legislative and executive branches to improve and support postsecondary education. Commissioners are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Nebraska State Legislature. Each CCPE Commissioner serves a six-year, unpaid term.