NJ Grants & Scholarships
NJ Grants & Scholarships

When determining your financial assistance options, it is important you work closely with a financial aid administrator at the school you are interested in attending. Your financial aid administrator will review your eligibility for state, federal and school aid programs and prepare a financial aid package to help you meet your college costs.

Tuition Aid Grant (TAG)

Part-Time Tuition Aid Grant (TAG) for County College Students

Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Grant

NJ Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship (NJ STARS)

NJ Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship II (NJSTARS II)
Edward J. Bloustein Distinguished Scholars (DS) Award

Urban Scholars (US) Award

New Jersey World Trade Center Scholarship (WTC)

Survivor Tuition Benefits (STB)

Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Scholarship (LEOMS)

Dana Christmas Scholarship for Heroism

Outstanding Scholars Recruitment Program (OSRP)

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